Ideal Candidates for Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Dr. James E. Murphy is a leading cosmetic plastic surgeon serving the greater Reno area. He offers the latest in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, allowing patients to achieve their aesthetic goals and total wellness in the process.
A number of patients at Dr. Murphy's practice have undergone breast reconstruction surgery to rebuild the breast mound and/or nipple. Let's consider the ideal candidates for this particular procedure right now.
General Candidacy for Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Ideal candidates for breast reconstruction surgery are people who have experienced serious issues with cosmetic matters, injuries to the breasts, and aesthetic matters related to illness or adverse health conditions. They should be in good health overall and not suffer from any conditions that would make a breast reconstruction procedure a serious threat to overall wellness.
A Good Option Following Mastectomy
If you have lost a breast to cancer and have had a mastectomy performed, it's not uncommon for breast reconstruction surgery to follow. The breast reconstruction surgery will be able to restore the appearance of the breast mound as well as the nipple, allowing a woman to have a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing breast. The procedure may be able to be performed at the time of the mastectomy, meaning that the aesthetic restoration can occur very soon after the loss of a breast or both breasts.
Ideal Following Serious Injury to the Breasts
Following serious injuries to the breasts and chest, breast reconstruction is a great option to consider for restoring the overall beauty and wellness of the bustline. As with breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, the procedure can rebuild the breast mound and/or the nipple.
Understanding the Risks and Benefits
It's important that patients have a good understanding of the risks and benefits of the surgery before they undergo a procedure. By knowing the risks as well as the benefits of a surgery, patients will be able to be prepared for the surgery they will undergo as well as the side effects that they will experience as they heal.
Having Realistic Expectations
In addition to knowing the risks and benefits of a procedure, it's also very important that patients have realistic expectations about the breast reconstruction procedure, including the potential complications, the nature of post-surgical scarring, and what results will generally be like. Realistic expectations means that patients will be ready for everything that the breast reconstruction surgery may throw them.
Discuss These Options with Your Cosmetic Surgeon
Breast reconstruction may be an ideal option for you and your needs, though it's important that you speak with a skilled surgeon about these matters in full detail. By discussing the surgery with a well-informed expert, you will be able to receive answers to all of your questions and have any pressing concerns fully addressed.
Learn More About Breast Reconstruction Surgery
For more information about breast reconstruction surgery and how it can help you restore your appearance and body contour, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Dr. James E. Murphy looks forward to your visit and helping achieve your cosmetic and wellness goals.