Murphy Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa

The Inframammary Breast Augmentation Incision Technique

Jul 12, 2016 @ 06:54 AM — by James E. Murphy, MD
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgeon James E. Murphy has built his professional reputation on producing consistently superior results customized to the unique needs and aesthetic goals of each individual patient with whom he works. However, no procedure allows him or his patients more room to tailor each aspect of these results down to the finest detail than breast augmentation. Virtually every component of breast augmentation invites some degree of choice, whether it is the size, shape, texture, or filling material of the breast implant or the location where the implant is placed. Patients can even choose the type of incision through which their implants are inserted, a rarity in any surgery. Their decision will have a tremendous influence on the appearance of their breasts after the surgery.

Dr. Murphy is a master of breast augmentation, and as such, he is able to place breast implants through the full range of incision types available to the modern plastic surgeon. One of the most popular incision types among his patients is the inframammary breast augmentation incision. At Murphy Plastic Surgery in Reno NV, patients who elect to have their breast implants inserted using the inframammary incision can expect results of only the most surpassing standard.

Are you a good candidate for breast augmentation using the inframammary incision technique? We invite you to find out by scheduling your initial consultation with Dr. James E. Murphy at Murphy Plastic Surgery today.

What Is the Inframammary Breast Augmentation Incision Technique?

The inframammary breast augmentation incision technique involves making the incision through which the implant will be placed in the natural crease directly beneath the breast, where the breast and the skin of the chest come together. Any resulting scar would therefore blend in with the crease and further be obscured by the hanging breast, likely being visible only when the patient was lying down topless. Even the average bikini top or bra would conceal the scar.

In addition to its aesthetic benefits, the inframammary incision technique offers other benefits. For instance, the technique:

There are certain patients for whom the inframammary incision technique will not be well-suited, including women with smaller breasts. These women may not have a pronounced breast crease in which to place the incision. Likewise, if a woman has any desire to increase the size of her breasts in the future, then this incision technique is not recommended, as the scar would ride up on her breasts and become quite visible.

Learn More about the Inframammary Breast Augmentation Incision Technique

If you would like to learn more about the inframammary breast augmentation incision technique, please contact Murphy Plastic Surgery today.