Murphy Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa

Look Out Below: Lower Eyelid Surgery for Under Eye Circles

Jun 6, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by James E. Murphy, MD
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then under eye circles are the window frames that have become prematurely damaged, much to the chagrin of the home owner. Thankfully, lower eyelid surgery - clinically known as lower blepharoplasty - can help to repair those frames so that people pay more attention to how the windows sparkle and shine once more. In other words, metaphors aside, lower eyelid surgery can restore youth and vigor to the skin under your eyes.

Dr. James E. Murphy is pleased to offer safe and exceptional lower eyelid surgery for under eye circles at his Reno plastic surgery practice. Patients emerge from surgery looking completely natural, just like themselves only fresher and more alert, as though they had just gotten back from a restful vacation that somehow took a few years off of their appearance. Because Dr. Murphy is a master of the subtle incision, his blepharoplasty patients show none of the tell-tale signs of having undergone a plastic surgery procedure. They simply look rejuvenated and healthy.

Are you a suitable candidate for lower eyelid surgery for under eye circles? There’s only one way to know for sure. Schedule your confidential, one-on-one consultation with Dr. Murphy today.

The Surgical Process

Lower eyelid surgery is a relatively simple procedure during which excess fatty tissues are removed from beneath the eyes through tiny incisions placed in the lower eyelids. After the excess fat has been removed, Dr. Murphy recontours the remaining fat so that hollow regions are made fuller, and the under eye region is given an overall more pleasing appearance. The incisions are placed in the natural folds of the eyelid, which means that any resulting scars will be nearly impossible to detect except upon the closest inspection.

Many people are able to achieve excellent facial rejuvenation simply by undergoing lower eyelid surgery. Other people combine the procedure with other procedures, such as injectable treatments, facelift surgery, upper eyelid surgery, and other facial rejuvenation techniques for more comprehensive and longer-lasting results.

The Benefits of Lower Eyelid Surgery for Under Eye Circles

Lower eyelid surgery for under eye circles offers numerous benefits, including:

Learn More about Lower Eyelid Surgery for Under Eye Circles

If you would like to learn more about lower eyelid surgery, or you would like to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Murphy, please contact Murphy Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa today.